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EU Commission: Single Digital Gateway to be launched tomorrow “to promote online access to public services across Europe”

The European Commission will be launching the Single Digital Gateway tomorrow, “a single point of access to information on the rules and procedures that citizens and businesses in Europe need to know to study and work in the EU”. The gateway, a statement from Brussels reads, “is a continuation of the online tool ‘Your Europe’”, which provides citizens with information on their rights, obligations and administrative procedures, as well as on relevant national websites. “To help users in each Member State, all information shown on the national websites and belonging to the gateway network will be available in the national language and in English”. Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market, said: “The Single Digital Gateway is an important step to simplify and digitize access to information on public services in Europe. It will help our citizens and businesses to navigate more easily through public administration procedures in Europe and make the most of the opportunities offered by the Single Market”. The content and services provided through the gateway “will be constantly updated and improved, namely by taking into account the feedback of users”.

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