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EU Commission: von der Leyen’s Commission one year on, “we are reshaping the economy for the next generation”

Tomorrow (1 December) will mark one year since the von der Leyen’s Commission took office. Today the Commission took stock of its achievements in a brochure: we put forward “ambitious goals for Europe’s future”: climate neutrality by 2050; making the 2020s “Europe’s Digital Decade”; and making Europe stronger in the world with a “more geopolitical approach”. In the first three months, we presented the European Green Deal, an industrial strategy, and we worked on strengthening “Europe’s competitiveness on the global stage”. Then came the pandemic. “The Commission worked to organise a concerted and coordinated European response to the emergency” and acted “swiftly”, kicking off the recovery of our economy with NextGenerationEU, “the centrepiece of the most powerful long-term EU budget ever designed”. On the international stage, the EU has “led the Global Response against coronavirus”. The pandemic has not prevented us from having a “fresh start on migration”. Because of the crisis, the twin green and digital transitions “are now even more firmly at the core of our programme, with new resources to accelerate the transformation”. In one year, 94 Commission proposals have been agreed by and with the other EU institutions. “We are not just repairing our economy; we are reshaping it for the next generation”.

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