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Pope Francis: audience, “take the Rosary in your hands every day, in this time of pandemic”. To newly-weds, “there are still courageous people!”

(Foto Vatican Media/SIR)

“Even today, in this time of pandemic, it is necessary to take the rosary in our hands and pray for ourselves, for our loved ones, and for all people”. Pope Francis said this as he greeted the Polish-speaking pilgrims. Even in his greetings to the Italian-speaking faithful, which usually mark the end of his Wednesday audience – held in the Paul VI Hall today for the first time after the lockdown -, Pope Francis called on those present to rediscover the beauty of the Rosary prayer which has sustained the faith of the Christian people throughout the centuries”. “Taking the Rosary in our hands every day and lifting up our eyes to Our Lady is a sign of consolation and sure hope”, the Pope said, greeting the Portuguese pilgrims. “Today’s Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary – the Pope said in German – reminds us of the importance of contemplative prayer. In meditating on the mysteries of salvation, the loving face of God Himself, whom we are called to contemplate in eternity, is increasingly revealed to us. May Our Lady be our sure guide on the way to the Lord. “There are still courageous people!”, the Pope said off the cuff, greeting the newly-weds. Finally, the Pope addressed a special greeting to the young people from Switzerland who are attending a “Knowledge Week” about the Pontifical Swiss Guard.

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