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Coronavirus Covid-19: stricter rules in Denmark. Sweden relaxes rules for celebrations

In Denmark and Sweden, in the light of the recommendations given by their respective governments, the rules for gatherings and meetings are changing, with repercussions on religious celebrations, and therefore on Masses as well. In Denmark, as from today, the government is asking to reduce the number of people attending outdoor funerals from 200 to 50 (churches still apply the 1-metre-distance rule, or two metres if people sing). In all outdoor events in which participants “are not sitting and all look in the same direction”, there cannot be more than 10 people. So, the website of the Copenhagen diocese reads, “no celebrations can be held in cemeteries on the occasion of Saints’ Days”. A relaxation of restrictions will come into force in Sweden on 1st November: up to 300 people (replacing the 50-people restriction) will be admitted to public gatherings (and therefore to Masses as well) insofar as they have a seat that is one metre away from the next one. Such relaxation will come into force – as explained by the website of the Swedish diocese – partly because “this week the Public Health Agency and the Regional authorities have been given greater powers in laying down local restrictions”. So, parishes too “all across Sweden must be responsible in complying with the temporary rules that may be laid down at a regional level”.

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