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Eurostat: from March to June, 168 thousand more deaths in Europe than in the past

In 2020, from the 10th to the 26th week of the year (which cover the period March to June), 168,000 more people died than the average number of deaths that occurred in the same period of 2016-2019, with 96% of them aged 70 or older. This figure, which has been announced by Eurostat today and that concerns 26 EU countries, covers all deaths, regardless of the cause, but, as explained in a note, “it may help assess the direct and indirect consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the European population”. The peak number of deaths (+36,000) occurred in the week from late March to early April. Since early May, the number of deaths above the average number of 2016-2019 has dropped to less than 5,000 a week. Also according to Eurostat, and also in general terms, the most remarkable rises in the number of deaths occurred in Spain (48,000), Italy (46,000), France (30,000), Germany and the Netherlands (about 10,000 each). The overall number of deaths recorded in the other EU countries is + 25,000. Of course, in each country, there have been remarkable differences between regions: Central Spain and Northern Italy have had more deaths, with Bergamo recording an 895% rise in deaths in the 12th week of the year, and Segovia a 634% rise one week later. In March (week 12 to 14) and from late May to early June (week 20 to 23), more men died than women. From April to early May (week 15 to 19), more women died than men, instead. In early June, as from week 24, the number of deaths was 32,000 a week for both men and women.

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