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Coronavirus Covid-19: EU, a response to the crisis from the Cohesion Policy. 13 billion euros redirected to public health, small-sized enterprises and work

Today, the EU Commission is announcing the first interim results of the implementation of the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative (Crii) and the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative Plus (Crii+). “Since the beginning of the crisis and helped by the flexibility inherent in the Cohesion Policy, the EU – a release explains – has mobilised over 13 billion euros’ investments to fight the effects of the coronavirus pandemic through the European Regional Development Fund (Erdf), the European Social Fund (Esf) and the Cohesion Fund (Cf). Such funds helped the national, regional and local communities counteract the unfavourable socioeconomic repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic”. Overall, 4.1 billion euros have been redirected “to healthcare, to buy medical devices and personal protective equipment that are essential to save lives”. The granting of subsidies, loans and other tailor-made financial instruments to support the economy and especially the small- and medium-sized enterprises has mobilised 8.4 billion euros. Lastly, the Esf, as specified by the EU Commission, channelled about 1.4 billion euros “to help citizens and retain jobs”. To ensure the greatest level of transparency and accountability, today the EU Commission has put a special webpage on the Open Data Cohesion platform “to describe in what ways the EU Cohesion Policy assists the member states in overcoming the coronavirus crisis”.

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