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US-Iran: Michel (European Council President) calls on Tehran to “avoid irreversible acts”

(Brussels) The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, has called on Iran to “avoid posing irreversible acts” in a phone call with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. Mr Michel first expressed his condolences for yesterday’s plane crash in Tehran. Talk then focused on the unfolding situation between Iran and the US, which is affecting neighbouring countries and the entire Middle East. Concerning the tensions in the region, President Michel reiterated that the EU is “ready to enforce its engagement with all sides in order to defuse tensions”. The Iranian President acknowledged that the “European Union has always played a stabilising and responsible role in the region and that Iran stands ready to continue a close cooperation with the EU”. Mr Michel recalled the European interests in the region and “insisted that the Union will enforce its role on an international level in close cooperation with the member states”.

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