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United Kingdom: Widdecombe (Brexit party) packs up and leaves Brussels. “Free at last. And I did not sing the song of farewell”


(London) No regrets, no doubts, no steps back. Ann Widdecombe, MEP for the Brexit party, who has always been a supporter of Great Britain’s leaving the European Union, packed up and will be leaving Brussels today. “I am really happy – she says –. Happy that we are going and that Great Britain will be free and independent at last”. The former Member of Westminster Parliament, who left the Tory party in 2010 and became a Catholic in 1993, when the Church of England decided to ordain women, refused to take part in the “song of farewell” sung last Wednesday by the MEPs in Brussels’ headquarters. “It was a song for remainers”, she comments with SIR. “A song for those who still hope we will be back in Europe. I wish the thought of a comeback would not even cross the British citizens’ minds”. “There are other European countries that are not in the EU, such as Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein”, she adds. “As long as we stay in the EU, we cannot have control over our borders, our laws, our trade agreements”. At the suggestion that Great Britain may be damaged if it loses its imports and exports with the other twenty-seven EU countries, accounting for about 50% of its foreign trade, Ann Widdecombe bursts into an uproarious laugh. “We are the world’s fifth economic power. We can compete with our own strengths, without having the EU imposing anything on us. At last, we can stop paying millions of pounds to the other European countries”.

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