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EU Parliament: MEPs’ vote calling on Commission to introduce legislation for common charger

(Brussels) At the end of its plenary session today, the European Parliament, gathered in Brussels, has voted on a resolution calling on the Commission to put forward a new EU legislative framework for a common charger by next July. The resolution, which calls for the mandatory introduction of common chargers for all mobile devices, states that there is “an urgent need for EU regulatory action” to reduce electronic waste and empower consumers to make sustainable choices. The non-legislative resolution was approved by 582 votes to 40, with 37 abstentions. “Without hampering innovation, the EU executive should ensure that the legislative framework for a common charger will be scrutinised regularly in order to take into account technical progress”. MEPs reiterate that research and innovation are vital to improve existing technologies and come up with new ones. In a second resolution, MEPs urge the Commission to “come forward with an ambitious EU Gender Equality Strategy including binding measures to reduce the gender pay gap”. In the resolution, adopted by 493 votes in favour, 82 against and 79 abstentions, the Parliament “welcomes the commitment of the new Commission President” to making the “equal pay for equal work” the founding principle of the new European gender strategy to be presented in March.

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