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Pope Francis: Message for World Communications Day, “no human stories are insignificant or paltry”

“The history of Christ is not a legacy from the past; it is our story, and always timely. It shows us that God was so deeply concerned for mankind, for our flesh and our history, to the point that he became man, flesh and history. It also tells us that no human stories are insignificant or paltry. Since God became story, every human story is, in a certain sense, a divine story”. Pope Francis wrote this in his Message for the 54th World Communications Day that will be celebrated in many countries this year on Sunday, 24 May, Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord. In the document entitled “‘That you may tell your children and grandchildren’ (Ex 10:2). Life becomes history”, the Pontiff recalled that “in the history of every person, the Father sees again the story of his Son who came down to earth. Every human story has an irrepressible dignity. Consequently, humanity deserves stories that are worthy of it, worthy of that dizzying and fascinating height to which Jesus elevated it”. According to the Holy Father, “our own story becomes part of every great story”. “As we read the Scriptures, the stories of the saints, and also those texts that have shed light on the human heart and its beauty, the Holy Spirit is free to write in our hearts, reviving our memory of what we are in God’s eyes. When we remember the love that created and saved us, when we make love a part of our daily stories, when we weave the tapestry of our days with mercy, we are turning another page. We no longer remain tied to regrets and sadness, bound to an unhealthy memory that burdens our hearts; rather, by opening ourselves to others, we open ourselves to the same vision of the great Storyteller. Telling God our story is never useless: even if the record of events remains the same, the meaning and perspective are always changing”.

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