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Conference on Future of Europe: Visentini (Trade Unions CES/ETUC), “include social issues among priorities on agenda”

(Brussels) Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (CES/ETUC) welcomed the resolution adopted by the European Parliament on the Conference on the Future of Europe. “The Conference should pave the way for a fairer European Union which can provide all its citizens and workers with good quality and well-paid jobs, quality education and training and proper social protection”, Mr Visentini pointed out. The ETUC “strongly supports” the demand of the European Parliament “that social issues are included among the priorities for the work of the Conference” and pushes for the modification of the EU Treaty to include “a Social Progress Protocol to make sure that protection of social, workers’ and trade union rights are strengthened and given a primary status”. For Mr Visentini, it is positive that the Parliament’s Resolution “calls for four representatives of social partners to be included in the Plenary of the Conference” and that it has pledged to “ensure their full and continuous involvement in the whole process”.

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