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Sweden: Stockholm, scarves, socks and gloves left at bus stops for the poor of the city

“Are you freezing? This scarf has not been lost. It was handmade just for you. Take it and take care of yourself”. New hand knitted scarves were left overnight at bus stops throughout Stockholm by a group of volunteers from the Church of Sweden to help those who struggle to protect themselves from the cold weather. That’s the Campaign #envarmarestad, a warmer city, launched in recent months. And many Lutheran parishes are holding knitting and sewing workshops as part of their activities promoting socialisation and sharing. “During the autumn, hundreds of people throughout the country have contributed to the campaign by making knitted or crocheted winter garments”, the organisers explain. Scarves, gloves, warm socks, “were left at bus stops throughout Sweden last night in a national campaign supported by the Swedish Church”.

The initiative was first launched in Lulea last year: leaving warm clothes around was a way to “help the inhabitants of Lulea reflect on what we can do to take care of one another”, to combat “the cold, in the figurative and literal sense, in our society, and defend humanity and the warmth”. This gave rise to the campaign #envarmarestad, a reminder that “we can all contribute to a warmer city”. 55 communities have participated in the initiative this year.

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