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EU: October is European Cybersecurity Month. Mr Helmbrecht (ENISA), “European citizens should be aware of online risks”

(Brussels) “Today we launch European Cybersecurity Month 2019, we are boosting awareness around online safety and the cybersecurity skills needed for the future”, said European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Mariya Gabriel, to mark the start of the European Cybersecurity Month. “If we want to complete the Digital Single Market, it is essential we ensure EU citizens, particularly young people have the knowledge and skills to protect themselves online. It is our shared responsibility for all citizens to become responsible users of emerging technologies”. Udo Helmbrecht, Executive Director of the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), said: “Cyber threats are evolving at a rapid pace and human behaviour can play a fundamental role in how we stay cyber secure. Ensuring that all citizens are aware of online risks and have the tools to become more resilient and confident users is a key goal of European Cybersecurity Month”. To mark the launch of the campaign, ENISA has published a video today that provides citizens with simple awareness checks to undertake in their daily lives.

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