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EU: October is European Cybersecurity Month. Focus on protection of privacy and emerging technology

(Brussels) October marks the start of the European Cybersecurity Month, coordinated by the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the European Commission, and supported by Member States. “The 2019 campaign – a statement reads – focuses on different themes addressing the need for behavioural change and identifying opportunities to help users recognise the risks of new technologies”. The first theme encompasses basic “Cyber Hygiene”, a sort of metaphor to stress that “good cybersecurity habits” should be “part of everyone’s daily routine”. “Having healthy cyber safety practices can provide users with more confidence using their devices, whether it’s a computer, a smart phone, a wearable device or any other gadget that’s connected to the Internet”. The key message for everyone to take home is that “cyber hygiene is a habit you learn from a young age and remains a daily routine for life”. “The second theme concentrates on ‘Emerging Technology’ and recognises the importance of keeping you and your new tech gadgets and devices secure. Technology is developing fast and it is important to question the security and privacy settings for your new purchases”.

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