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EU Commission: document signed by 9,000 European scientists, “Review title of innovation and youth portfolio”

“Without dedication to education and research there will neither exist a sound basis for innovation in Europe, nor can we fulfill the promise of a high standard of living for the citizens of Europe in a fierce global competition”. This is an excerpt from the letter that over 9,200 representatives of the “scientific community in Europe” have signed so far. The letter is addressed to the President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, and President-elect Ursula von der Leyen. It criticises the fact that “in the new Commission, the areas of education and research are not explicitly represented anymore and instead are subsumed under the ‘innovation and youth’ title”. Indeed, Tibor Navracsic is currently the Commissioner for “Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth” and Carlos Moedas is the Commissioner for “Research, Innovation and Science”. In the von der Leyen Commission, Mariya Gabriel (pictured) will be Commissioner for “Innovation and Youth”. “This emphasizes economic exploitability (i.e. ‘innovation’) over its foundation, which is education and research, and it reduces ‘education’ to ‘youth’ while being essential to all ages”, the scientists remarked. Hence they call on the Commission to revise “the title for commissioner Gabriel to ‘Education, Research, Innovation and Youth’” and on Parliament to “request this change in name before confirming the nominees for commissioner”.

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