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Council of Europe: domestic violence and intercultural cities on the agenda. Secretary General Buric to attend climate summit

(Strasbourg) A conference on the role of the police in the fight against domestic violence will be organised by the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the French Presidency of the Committee of Ministers, to allow the “exchange of good practices” and to identify “new measures enabling the police to fight domestic violence more effectively” (Strasbourg, 24-25 September). Also on the weekly agenda of the Council of Europe are the celebrations marking the 25th anniversary of the Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI, Paris 26-27 September). Indeed, a conference will be organised to take stock of these 25 years of action and to discuss the challenges ahead with a seminar on “ways to combat hate speech and homophobic and transphobic violence”. Other events sponsored by the Council of Europe are the annual “Intercultural Cities” coordinators meeting (Odessa, 25-26 September) and a seminar on Roma youth participation (European Youth Centre, Strasbourg, 24-26 September). Also coming up is the release of the report on the 2018 visit of the anti-torture Committee to Russia (24 September). Finally, Secretary-General Marija Pejčinović Buric (pictured) will attend the 74th UN General Assembly in New York. The latter has also welcomed the announcement by the Maltese government to open a public inquiry into the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

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