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Sweden: a message from the Churches to MPs. The risk of a “nationalistic sleep”. Migration, don’t raise walls

“Every parliamentary year has its national and international challenges to find solutions to, with a view to a good, well-balanced and humane politics. It is important for us that people’s value and dignity be at the centre”: this has been written by the presidency of the Swedish Council of Churches to the political leaders in the Riksdag (the Swedish Parliament) at the start of a new work session. The challenges that await Sweden include “the climate crisis, the reform of the health system, education, safety, the increasing economic and social gap among people, crime and unemployment”. The Churches are willing to “make their contribution to a good society” but they also warn of the “danger of losing sight of the world outside of our country” and falling into “a sort of nationalistic sleep” and “withdrawing unto ourselves”. They refer to those who want to “make the borders of our country more and more closed” and to the on-going debate, while getting ready to revise Sweden’s migratory policy. “Anyone getting to the border is entitled” to have their cases individually considered and to learn “whether they are authorised to stay as a refugee or in need of protection or not”. Sweden also has to put pressure on Europe to “share the homing of the refugees”. “Those who migrate to Sweden”, the letter ends, “need us and our protection, but we need them too”.

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