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Adriatic macro-region: Mediterranean Coast Week in Slovenia. Environment, innovation, tourism, economy

The towns of Izola, Koper and Piran in Slovenia will host the events planned for “Sea4future”, the “Mediterranean Coast Week” of the Adriatic macro-region (17-28 September). The events will address the current challenges and future potentials of the Adriatic Sea and Coast, with a special focus on “seizing opportunities and creating synergies between the Adriatic coastal region with the hinterlands of the Danube and Alpine regions”, the organisers explained. The theme will be addressed from multiple perspectives: “environment, sustainable tourism, mobility, health, research and innovation” in a number of workshops that will be held after the official opening ceremony on 17 September. Another highlight will be the “Mediterranean Coast Day” celebrated on 25 September to honour the Republic of Slovenia which was the first country in the Mediterranean to ratify the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in 2009. On 21 September, discussions will stop to allow participants to roll up their sleeves and join in the “Coastal Cleanup” event organised within World Cleanup Day.

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