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Albania: Bishops appeal to politicians, “very critical situation in the country, open a new chapter”

“In the name of God, we, the Catholic Bishops in Albania, with great trust, ask you to please show a greater and more sincere love for Albania and the Albanians, by concretely showing that you are seeking a serious and peaceful solution to this situation, so as to avoid the risk of evil leading us to a greater evil. True peace does not mean closing our eyes to the irregularities that exist. There is no true peace other than the peace built on justice and truth. We urge you to open a new chapter in your politics”. The Albanian Bishops’ Conference made this appeal to national politicians. The appeal was recently read out by the President of the Bishops Mgr. George Frendo “in the hope that our appeal is not a voice in the desert, but resonates in your minds and hearts”. “We are aware of the very critical situation in our beloved country, Albania”, Mgr. Frendo continued, referring to the fact that several people, also in articles, “have expressed great concern about this situation, given the big risk, that may get worse, entailing huge consequences for our country”. “Your attitude – the bishops warned – may have serious implications and, as history teaches us, our society in the future will hold you responsible for the damage that you cause to the nation”. “Forget the strong words that you have addressed to your opponents, and forget the words that your opponents have addressed to you. Also forget the promises you made to persuade your followers”, the bishops said, since “no Albanian who loves his/her country and the common good more than the good of the party will ever rebuke or accuse you for failing to keep them if you commit yourselves to seeking a different path from the path you have walked so far”. The population calls on politicians to show “good will and avoid dangers that would lead us towards a deadly abyss”, also because “there is a tradition of peaceful coexistence and interreligious harmony among the various religions of our beloved country”. And if “religions have not divided us”, then we should not allow “politics to become a source of division and discord in our country”. The Albanian people “are aware that politics will not succeed in dividing them, doing harm to their country and to their Albanian brothers and sisters”. “May the Lord – Mgr. Frendo concluded – enlighten you and give you the courage to take the path of justice and peace!”.

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