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United Kingdom: Boris Johnson is new Prime Minister. “In 99 days we will have cracked Brexit”

Boris Johnson has officially become the 77th Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. “We will work flat out to give this country the leadership it deserves. Work begins now”. This is the end of the speech that Boris Johnson delivered before entering 10 Downing Street, having received the mandate to lead the UK from Queen Elizabeth II. A few-minute-long speech, delivered in haste, and accompanied by continuous shouts and protests coming from beyond the security perimeter. Mr Johnson began by paying “tribute to the fortitude and patience” of his predecessors. He then addressed the “pessimists” and those “who bet against Britain”, repeating to them “we will come out of the EU on October 31” and “we will do a better deal with the EU”. “In 99 days’ time we will have cracked it”, but “we aren’t going to wait 99 days”. To take decisions and to act – this is what the new government will have to do – since “my job is to serve you, the people”. Many items are on the new government’s agenda: more police on the streets to improve citizens’ security; fibre broadband; more money for the NHS to protect people “from the fear of having to sell” their homes to pay for the costs of care; to fix the crisis in social care; to ensure quality education for all children across the country; higher wages and boosting productivity, trade and the confidence of investors. Also on the agenda is a change in the tax rules to attract investment and the promotion of “the welfare of animals”.

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