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Holy Land: Catholic ordinaries, “condemning new acts of violence, never such crimes again”

“Anger and sorrow for having to file reports so close in time”, but “we are even more enraged by the fact such events happen without the offenders being consigned to justice, in most cases”. This has been written in a notice by the Catholic ordinaries of the Holy Land about the “new hate crime” committed this morning in the village of Jish, where some cars were damaged and slogans were written in Hebrew on cars and trucks. The assembly of Catholic ordinaries recalls the condemnation, a few days ago, of the throwing of boxes of yogurt and tomatoes from the side of the village of Naveh Yaacov, at a festival in the sporting facilities of St James’s Church in Beit Hanina (Jerusalem). “In addition to our condemnation of all sorts of hate crimes, we ask the state officers and the security forces to take responsibility for education and safety, so that such crimes will never be allowed to happen again”, the notice reads. In addition, the Catholic ordinaries express solidarity with the population of Jish and Beit Hanina. “We pray the Almighty that He may encourage them to persevere despite the challenges and pray for the offenders and their supporters, asking them to repent for the evil of their actions, to live all together in a safe country where nobody attacks anybody”.

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