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Day for Victims of Torture: Mogherini (EU), “fighting a crime that can target anyone in different settings”

(Brussels) On the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, the European Union “reiterates its strongest opposition to any kind of acts of torture worldwide.  Torture is a crime that can target anyone through different forms and in different settings, and all victims of torture, including those who are unacknowledged, neglected or overlooked, are at the forefront of our policy”. High Representative Federica Mogherini made this declaration to mark tomorrow’s day, 26 June. “The prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment is absolute in international law. At times when this prohibition continues to be challenged all over the world, the European Union repeats its call for the UN Convention against Torture and its Optional Protocol” to be “universally ratified and effectively implemented by all States”. The Bahamas’ recent ratification of the Convention and South Africa’s ratification “are positive examples”. To step up its work towards a torture-free world, the EU “is using all its political and financial tools, ranging from the protection of victims, including those most vulnerable, to awareness raising, speaking out against abuses, to urging States to comply with their obligations under international law, to investigate allegations of torture and to bring perpetrators to justice”, while also “ensuring redress for victims”.

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