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European Council: new strategic Agenda. 4 priorities: citizens’ safety, economic development, environment, foreign policy

(from our correspondent in Brussels) “In the last few years, the world has become more and more unstable, complex and exposed to rapid change. This provides opportunities as well as challenges. In the next five years, the EU can strengthen – and will strengthen – its role in this ever-changing scenario. Together, we will be firm and clear in our goals, building on the grounds of the values and strengths on which our model is based. This is the only effective way to shape tomorrow’s world, to support the interests of our citizens, our businesses and our societies, and to protect our lifestyle”. This is written in the strategic Agenda 2019-2024 for the future of the EU, which has been drawn up by the European Council that is taking place in Brussels. The strategic Agenda “provides an overview and a guideline for such approach. Its goal is guiding the efforts of the institutions in the next five years”. The Agenda is focussed on four key priorities: protecting citizens and freedoms; developing a strong and lively economic base; building a green, fair, social and carbon-neutral Europe; promoting European interests and values on the international scene”. Lastly, the Agenda “lays down the ways to accomplish such priorities”.

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