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Pope Francis: audience, “everyone can understand the language of truth and love”

(Foto Vatican Media/SIR)

“The Church is born of the fire of love, a ‘fire’ that breaks out at Pentecost and manifests the power of the Word of the Risen One imbued with the Holy Spirit”. This is the image conveyed by Pope Francis as he reflected on the Acts of the Apostles. “The new and definitive Covenant is no longer founded on a law written on stone tablets, but on the action of the Spirit of God who makes all things new and is engraved on hearts of flesh”, he remarked during his general audience catechesis today: “The word of the apostles is imbued with the Spirit of the Risen One and becomes a new, different word, which can however be understood as if it were translated simultaneously into all languages: indeed, each one could hear them speaking in his own language”. “It is the language of truth and love, which is the universal language: even the illiterate can understand it”, Pope Francis explained. “The language of truth and love is understood by all, it is a language that everyone can understand”, he added off the cuff: “If you go with truth, the truth of your heart, with sincerity, and you go with love, everyone will understand you, even if you cannot talk: with a caress that is truthful and loving”.

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