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UN: World Day to Combat Desertification. The motto, “Let’s grow the future together”

Today, 17th June, is the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, on the 25th anniversary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. “Let’s grow the future together” is the motto of the Day, that means “to remind everyone that land degradation neutrality can be achieved by solving problems, through a deep involvement of the community, and through cooperation at all levels”. As explained in a UN release, this Day aims at raising awareness of three problems: drought, which has “remarkable, widespread socio-economic and environmental impacts that cause more deaths and move more people than any other natural calamity”. Just think that, “by 2025, 1.8 billion people will experience absolute water scarcity and 2/3 of the world will be living in a state of hydric stress”.

Secondly, desertification, which might force about 135 million people to evacuate by 2045. The third problem is the sustainable management of soil, which is essential to fight climate change, considering that nowadays “the use of soil accounts for nearly 25% of total global emissions”. “Every year, the world loses 24 billion tons of fertile land”, the UN secretary General, Antonio Guterres, reminds in a video message for the Day. “Protecting and restoring the land can reduce forced migration, improve food security, boost economic growth, and help us face the global climate emergency”. Info:

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