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Austria: Bishops’ Plenary at National Shrine of Mariazell. Focus on Synod and young people

The summer Plenary Assembly of the Austrian Bishops’ Conference (OBK) begins today under the presidency of Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, archbishop of Vienna. The Bishops’ Assembly will start at 3pm this afternoon with a prayer at the Chapel of Grace in the Mariazell Basilica and will end on Wednesday, 19 June. The main focus of the meeting will be the analysis of the outcome of last year’s Synod on Young People and the papal document “Christus vivit”. The Assembly on Tuesday, managed by the bishop in charge of youth ministry, Mgr. Stephan Turnovszky, and by federal youth assistant, Father Darius Lebok, will be attended by many young people from all over Austria, representing various youth and pastoral organizations. They will exchange views on the Synod work with the bishops. In an interview with the Austrian Catholic news agency Kathpress, OBK Secretary General, Father Peter Schipka, stressed that the assembly is taking place a few days after the national political crisis and the presentation of letters of credence by the new apostolic nuncio, Archbishop Pedro Lopez Quintana, to the president of the Republic, Alexander van der Bellen. The new nuncio’s visit to the OBK General Assembly will also be his first official meeting with the entire Austrian episcopate. The Austrian Bishops invite the faithful to participate in the celebration that will be presided over by the bishop of the diocese of Innsbruck, Mgr. Hermann Glettler.

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