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Amazon Synod: Instrumentum laboris, Amazonia has become “migration corridor”, families “destabilised”

“The Amazonia is among the regions with the greatest internal and international mobility in Latin America”. This is according to the Instrumentum laboris for the Synod on the Amazonia. Indeed, the latter has actually become “a migration corridor”, with migration taking place between Amazonian countries, such as the increasing migration from Venezuela, or to other regions, like Chile and Argentina. “Migratory displacements, neglected both politically and pastorally, have contributed to the social destabilization of the Amazonian communities”, the text reads: “Those cities in the region that regularly take in a large number of migrants are unable to provide them with the essential services they need. This has led to many people roaming and sleeping rough in urban areas, without a job, without food, and without a shelter. Many of them are indigenous peoples who have been forced to abandon their lands”. In this context, “the cities seem to be a no man’s land”, and this phenomenon also “destabilises families, namely when one of the parents leaves in search of a job, travelling to remote places and leaving behind children and young people who are raised without a mother and/or a father. Even young people move in search of employment or underemployment to help support what is left of their family, abandoning their primary studies and experiencing all kinds of abuse and exploitation. In many Amazonian regions, these young people are victims of drug trafficking, human trafficking, and male and female prostitution”. “Failure by governments to implement quality public policies in internal areas, especially in the fields of education and healthcare, makes this mobility process increase by the day”, the Instrumentum laboris decries: “Even if the Church has accompanied these migration flows, she has left pastoral gaps in the Amazon region which need to be filled”. Proposals include “promoting the integration of migrants in local communities while respecting their own cultural identity”, as suggested by Pope Francis.

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