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Pope Francis: to papal representatives, “if a nuncio were to close himself up inside the nunciature and avoid meeting with people, he would betray his mission”

(Foto Vatican Media/SIR)

“If a nuncio were to close himself up inside the nunciature and avoid meeting with people, he would betray his mission and instead of being a factor of communion and reconciliation, would be an obstacle and impediment to it”. This is according to Pope Francis who outlined the distinctive features of an “outgoing” Nuncio in his prepared remarks handed out during his audience with papal representatives. “You must never forget that you represent the face of the Catholicism and universality of the Church among the local Churches throughout the world, and before governments”, he stated: “It is an important part of the work of every nuncio to be a man of mediation, of communion, of dialogue and of reconciliation. The nuncio must always seek to remain impartial and objective, so that all parties find in him the just arbiter who seeks sincerely to defend and safeguard only justice and peace, without ever letting himself be negatively involved”. As a “man of communication”, the nuncio “does not overlap the exercise of the powers of Bishops, nor replaces or hinders it. On the contrary, he encourages it with fraternal and discreet advice”.

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