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Pope Francis: Message for World Day of the Poor, they are treated as “human garbage”. “Millions of immigrants fall victim to concealed interests, often exploited for political advantage”

(Foto Siciliani-Gennari/SIR)

“Today too, we must acknowledge many new forms of bondage that enslave millions of men, women, young people and children”, Pope Francis wrote in his Message for the World Day of the Poor. The list is detailed: daily, we encounter “families forced to leave their homeland to seek a living elsewhere; orphans who have lost their parents or were violently torn from them by brutal means of exploitation; young people seeking professional fulfilment but prevented from employment by shortsighted economic policies; victims of different kinds of violence, ranging from prostitution to the narcotics trade, and profoundly demeaned”. “How can we overlook, too, the millions of immigrants who fall victim to any number of concealed interests, often exploited for political advantage, and are refused solidarity and equality?”, Pope Francis went on to write. “And all the homeless and ostracized persons who roam the streets of our cities?”. “How many times do we see poor people rummaging through garbage bins to retrieve what others have discarded as superfluous, in the hope of finding something to live on or to wear!”, the Pontiff denounced:  “They themselves become part of a human garbage bin; they are treated as refuse, without the slightest sense of guilt on the part of those who are complicit in this scandal. Frequently judged parasites on society, the poor are not even forgiven their poverty.  Judgment is always around the corner. They are not allowed to be timid or discouraged; they are seen as a threat or simply useless, simply because they are poor”.

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