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European Parliament: convergence between People’s Party, Socialists and Democrats, Liberals, and Greens. Birth of nationalist group

(Brussels) Work begins today to determine the political priorities the European Parliament intends to put forward for the next term of the European Commission. Around the table are ten negotiators from four political groups (People’s Party EPP, Socialists and Democrats S&D, Liberals ALDE, and Greens) who will draw up a programme by 17 June, before the Summit (20-21 June) where the Heads of State and Government will define their own lines for the future and top EU jobs. Items that are up for discussion these days include the environment and climate change; economic, fiscal and trade policies; digitization and artificial intelligence; the rule of law, borders and migration; foreign policy. In the meantime, discussions are being held within the groups to define affiliation, organisation, leaders and names. “Identity and Democracy” is the name given to the right-wing nationalist group which was officially formed after the dissolution of Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF): it will have 73 MEPs from 9 countries and will be chaired by Italian Marco Zanni (the League); Nicolas Bay (France, National Front) and Jörg Meuthen (Germany, AfD) will be the vice-presidents. The Liberal Group ADLE has been renamed “Renew Europe”, after Emmanuel Macron’s party decided to join, but still has to choose its leader, like the Socialists and Democrats. The Greens confirmed Ska Keller and Philippe Lamberts as Group leaders, assisted by seven vice-presidents.

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