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EU: Economic and Social Committee, Civil Society Prize dedicated to gender equality. Still major gaps between men and women

(Brussels) “More women in Europe’s society and economy” – this is the theme of the 2019 Civil Society Prize promoted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The deadline for submitting applications concerning “innovative initiatives and projects which aim to fight for equal opportunities for women and men and their equal treatment in all spheres of economic and social life”, the call for proposals reads, is 6 September. The Prize is open to civil society organisations officially registered within the EU and acting at local, regional, national or European level, as well as to individual citizens. This 11th edition of the prize has a total value of 50,000€ which will be awarded to a maximum of five winners. “Sixty years after the EU committed to the goal of eliminating the gender pay gap in the Rome Treaty, it is still looming large at around 16%, with a gender pension gap at a staggering 38%”, the EESC explains. “Women account for 51% of the EU population, yet only 67% of them work. Of all entrepreneurs, just 31% are women. In recent years, there have even been signs of a “backlash on women’s rights in Europe”, with estimates suggesting “it will take more than a century for women to be treated equally to men”. Hence the EESC’s political commitment and prize for gender equality in Europe. For more information and the application form, please visit

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