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Pope Francis: audience, “there is unity and freedom from oneself in the DNA of the Christian community”; no to “self-referential attitudes” and “mediocrity”

(Foto Vatican Media/SIR)

“The reconstitution of the apostolic college shows how in the DNA of the Christian community there is unity and freedom from oneself, which make it possible for one not to fear diversity, not to become attached to things and gifts, and to become a martyr, that is, a luminous witness of the living God who acts in history”. This is how Pope Francis concluded today’s audience, attended by 15,000 people and dedicated to the Acts of the Apostles, in which “the Twelve show the style of the Lord”. “They are the accredited witnesses of Christ’s work of salvation – Pope Francis remarked – and do not show their presumed perfection to the world but, through the grace of unity, they bring out an Other who now lives in a new way among his people: the Lord Jesus. The Apostles choose to live under the lordship of the Risen One in unity among brothers, which becomes the only possible environment conducive to a true gift of self”. “We too need to rediscover the beauty of bearing witness to the Risen Lord, by abandoning our self-referential attitudes, by renouncing using God’s gifts for ourselves, and by not giving in to mediocrity”.

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