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Papal representatives: Card. Parolin, “Our work shall always be exemplar, our conduct transparent”

“We are constantly invited to monitor our relation with the law, and above all, the canonical law, without neglecting the civil law”. That was the call of Card. Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, during his homily of the Mass opening the meeting of papal representatives – due to meet the Pope tomorrow – celebrated at St. Peter’s Basilica. “Our work as representatives of the Holy Church shall always be exemplar, our conduct transparent”, went on the Cardinal. Following the canonical law, he recalled that the supreme law is salvation of souls, in compliance with the words of Jesus: “Saturday was made for man, not man for Saturday”. “Our service as well as all the juridical systems in the world are (or should be) meant for the good of man, of every man, for respect of human rights, for the making of a fairer society, and for living together in peace. That is also the field of the diplomatic action of the Holy See. The law shall always be in the service of mankind only!”. The example of Jesus was made; He was called the “pious transgressor” by St. Paul. Jesus was “pious” as He was faithful to the Law of Moses, but “transgressor” in the sense that “He superseded it, focussing on its beating heart: the commandment of love”. “The Law was mummified, fixed, unmovable, though expanding beyond measure – said Parolin – Jesus gave it movement, lightness, showing us prospects. The Law trapped in forms, and reaching huge dimensions, is a de-formed law, no longer revealing the intentions of God, and the level of His love. Jesus releases it from those sclerotic casts, from exterior armatures, showing us its contradictions. He lets us understand its meaning, its soul, the basic logic, revealing its consequences, richness and potentialities for the present. In short, He gives it dynamism”.

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