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United Kingdom: Tories, process for choice of leader and prime minister starting now. Johnson, top of the list

(London) Today, Boris Johnson’s promise to cut tax for people earning over 50 thousand pounds a year (over 56 thousand euros) marked the start of the process for the choice of a new Conservative leader. The former London Mayor is top of the list, especially now that his most important rival, Environment Minister Michael Gove, admitted he used cocaine when he was young, thus losing support. The deadline for submission of the nominations is today at 05:00 pm (Italian time), and each nominee will have to be supported by at least eight members of his or her party. Till the week starting on July 22nd, the challenge is among the Tory PMs and involves a number of voting rounds, on June 13th, on June 18th, on June 19th and on June 20th. At the first count, due next Thursday, the nominee who has sixteen or fewer votes will be eliminated and, if all of them receive such number, the one with the lowest number of votes will be left out. Next Tuesday, June 18th, they will need to receive thirty-two votes, instead. The purpose is to come up with just two names, by the end of July. At that point, the challenge will get out of Westminster’s walls and will extend to the rest of the country, where all Tory supporters, which are about 160 thousand, will vote for their future leader by mail. All through this time, the incumbent leader will be the outgoing Prime Minister, Theresa May. Theresa May will stay in office as Prime Minister for the normal running of the country and to act on her country’s behalf abroad. In the meantime, the EU expects to hear specific decisions from London about how and when Brexit is going to happen.

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