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EU elections: call from 21 heads of state. “Europe is the best idea we have ever had”

Twenty-one EU heads of state have signed a “Joint Call for Europe ahead of the European elections in May 2019”, which was released today, Europe Day. “Europe is the best idea we have ever had”, the leaders of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia and Finland wrote in this unprecedented initiative. “European integration has helped to realise a centuries-old hope for peace in Europe after unbridled nationalism and other extreme ideologies led Europe to the barbarity of two world wars”. Hence the call to “engage actively” “for the great idea of a peaceful and integrated Europe”, without taking “peace and freedom, prosperity and well-being for granted”. This is why “the 2019 elections are of special importance: It is you, the European citizens, who decide which path the European Union shall follow”. Hence the leaders “call on all European citizens who are entitled to vote to take part in the elections to the European Parliament at the end of May 2019”. The presidents then recalled the “principles of liberty, equality, solidarity, democracy, justice and loyalty within and between” member states, on which the EU is founded.

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