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EU Council: Sibiu Declaration, “we will help the most vulnerable, putting people before politics”

(From our correspondent in Sibiu) The “Sibiu Declaration” continues with the other five commitments undertaken by EU leaders: “We will always uphold the principle of fairness, whether it be in the labour market, in welfare, in the economy or in the digital transformation. We will further reduce disparities between us and we will always help the most vulnerable in Europe, putting people before politics”. “We will give ourselves the means to match our ambitions. We will provide the Union with the means necessary to attain its objectives and carry through its policies”. “We will safeguard the future for the next generations of Europeans. We will invest in young people and build a Union fit for the future, able to cope with the most pressing challenges of the 21st century”. “We will protect our citizens and keep them safe by investing in our soft and hard power and by working with our international partners”. And finally: “Europe will be a responsible global leader. The challenges we face today affect us all. We will continue working with our partners in the world to uphold and develop the rules-based international order, to make the most of new trading opportunities and to jointly tackle global issues such as preserving our environment and fighting climate change”. In conclusion: “The Union of today is stronger than that of yesterday and we want to continue to build its strength for tomorrow. This is our commitment for the future generations. This is the spirit of Sibiu and of a new Union at 27 ready to embrace its future as one”.

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