European elections: exchange in Brussels with candidates for next Commission presidency on 15 May

The lead candidates for the next European Commission presidency will all take part in the televised debate that will take place on 15 May, from 21:00 to 22:30, in the hemicycle of the European Parliament in Brussels, which will be turned into a television studio for the occasion. The opening statements will be delivered in the order determined by a draw, that is to say: Nico Cué (European Left); Ska Keller (European Green Party); Jan Zahradil (Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe); Margrethe Vestager (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe); Manfred Weber (European People’s Party); and Frans Timmermans (Party of European Socialists). The candidates will answer the questions put to them by three journalists selected by Eurovision, which has editorial responsibility for the debate: Emilie Tran Nguyen (France Televisions) and Markus Preiss (ARD Germany) will lead the debate on stage, while Annastiina Heikkilä (YLE Finland) will feed the discussion from the social media angle. The debate will be broadcast live on EBU (Eurovision), EbS (Europe by Satellite, the European Commission’s channel) and on EP live (the European Parliament’s website for the European elections); it will be available in 23 languages (and in Sign Language).

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