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Council of Europe: Secretary General Jagland meets President Macron in Paris. State of relations with EU also on weekly agenda

(Strasbourg) A delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe was also present in North Macedonia these days, alongside other international bodies, to observe the presidential election. A statement is due to be released today in the aftermath of the vote. Also today, CoE Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland will be in Paris in preparation for the incoming Committee of Ministers’ Chairmanship and will meet Emmanuel Macron. Meanwhile, a conference on the European Landscape Convention is being held in Strasbourg (6-7 May), under the Finnish Presidency of the Committee of Ministers, to assess the “work accomplished for the implementation of the Convention in order to promote populations’ quality of life”. Deputy Secretary General Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni will deliver a speech at the opening of the conference. The weekly agenda of the Council of Europe (which celebrated its 70th anniversary on 5 May) also includes the publication of a report by the anti-torture Committee (CPT) on an ad hoc visit to Germany to examine “the treatment of foreign nationals before and during a national return flight from Munich to Kabul (Afghanistan) on 14 August 2018 and the conditions of detention of returnees held in detention pending deportation”. The report will be published on 9 May together with the response of the German authorities. Finally, to mark Europe Day 2019, Mr Jagland will meet a EU delegation to assess EU/CoE joint programmes, in cooperation with the Office of the Directorate General of Programmes.

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