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Pope in Romania: “Our Father” prayer in Orthodox Cathedral, “to overcome the temptation to act like the elder brother”. Against the logics of “money, personal interests and power”

The Our Father, our “common prayer”, contains our “identity as children, and today in particular, as brothers and sisters who pray side by side”. With these words, the Pope greeted his “dear brother” Daniel and the Orthodox faithful gathered in the Orthodox People’s Salvation Cathedral in Bucharest, which he called a “holy temple that brings us together in unity”. “The calling of one brother was incomplete without that of the other”, the Pope said, referring to the special bond between Peter and Andrew, and the two Churches they represent: “Today we wish to raise together, side by side, from the heart of this country, the Lord’s Prayer”, Pope Francis announced, speaking about what would happen next. “Each time we say ‘Our Father’, we state that the word Father cannot stand on its own, apart from Our”, the Holy Father explained, starting an intense meditation on the Christian prayer par excellence, which has also been the theme of a recent series of Wednesday catechesis. “Help us to overcome the temptation to act like the elder brother, who was so concerned with himself that he forgot the gift of the other person”, the Pope said, decrying the logics of “money, personal interests and power” and “an increasingly frenetic consumerism that entices us with glittering but fleeting realities”. Hence he invited everyone to “give up the comfortable security of power, the deceptive allure of worldliness, the vain presumption of our own self-sufficiency, the hypocrisy of cultivating appearances”. Besides the daily bread, Pope Francis also asked for “the bread of memory, the grace to nurture the shared roots of our Christian identity, so indispensable in an age when humanity, and the young in particular, tend to feel rootless amid the uncertainties of life, and incapable of building their lives on a solid foundation”.

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