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Holy See: Dicastery for Human Development is competent for Caritas Internationalis

The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development is the “competent” body for Caritas Internationalis regarding “the entire range of its institutional activity”, “without prejudice to the competences of other bodies of the Roman Curia and Vatican City State”. This is according to the General Decree issued by the Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin on the Confederation of charitable organizations established in 1951. The text, published today, has the force of law and was approved “in forma specifica” by the Pope on 2 May 2019. With the release of Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio “Humanam Progressionem” on 17 August 2016, the competences of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, in charge of promoting and coordinating the initiatives of Catholic aid organisations worldwide, were transferred to the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. “Any text with moral or doctrinal content or character and public positions taken by Caritas Internationalis, its Representation Offices, or by regional associations of member organizations must be in line with the positions of the Holy See”, the Decree reads, and “any agreement that Caritas Internationalis will sign with non-governmental organizations and institutions must respect the positions of the Holy See and any instructions” given by the above-mentioned Vatican Dicastery. “In the event of a major humanitarian emergency – Card. Parolin wrote in today’s Decree – the authorities of Caritas Internationalis are authorized to undertake short-term operational agreements with governmental authorities and with intergovernmental organizations and entities”. Such agreements “must be communicated as soon as possible to the Section for Relations with States of the Secretariat of State and may be renewed, provided the Section for Relations with States has no objection to them”. The Section for General Affairs of the Secretariat of State has, among others, the task of “exercising vigilance over the administration of the patrimony and finances” of Caritas Internationalis, “without prejudice to the competences of other bodies of the Holy See or Vatican City State”.

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