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European elections: Green, Liberals and Eurosceptic parties gain ground in the new EU Parliament. The majority is pro-EU


(Brussels) The results of the elections that took place in the 28 member states from 23rd to 26th May for the renewal of the EU assembly keep flooding to the European Parliament. The latest projections about the seats for the new European Parliament, relayed in Brussels this morning based on total or subtotal results in 26 countries and polls in another 2, confirm that there is a wide majority of pro-EU parties, and a stronger, but smaller, amount of “Eurosceptic” MEPs. Out of a total of 751 seats, the People’s Parties will take 182, while Socialists and Democrats will take 147; the first historical political forces in the European assembly have been “thinned out” by the election. The Liberal Democrats’ seats increase to 109, instead, with a good number of MEPs from the French coalition that takes inspiration from president Macron. The Green parties gain remarkable ground with 69 seats, with lots of German, French and British ones. If the allegedly “pro-European” – though differing from each other – parties (People’s, Social Democrats, Liberal and Green Parties) are added up, the number rises to 507 seats. The Conservatives stop at 59 (many of them Polish), Enf (with the Italian Lega and Le Pen) at 58 seats, Efdd (with the Italian Cinque Stelle and Farage’s “Leave” party) at 54. The United Left MEPs drop to 34; and, lastly, 35 seats will be taken by some still unaffiliated parties or MEPs.


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