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Sweden: abuse, declaration from Christian Churches. “Awareness, strategic prevention and conscious effort to create quality environments”

“Church activities should be a safe place where each person is respected. Yet, it is a fact that abuse and harassment can – and do – happen in churches and other Christian contexts”. This is why the leaders of the 17 Churches that make up the Christian Council of Sweden have decided to return to the issues of abuse in a statement released today, which provides some guidance for the upcoming summer and the activities organised for young people and children. “We can minimise the risk of sexual abuse and harassment through awareness, strategic prevention and a conscious effort to create quality environments”, the text reads. The “risk factors” identified include the “presence of unbalanced power relations”, or contexts where men are the majority or with a dominant male leadership. Although “physical and emotional proximity can be beautiful and important”, there is a need to “understand our boundaries with others” and have “a respectful attitude” to them. “The perception that sexism is tolerated in a given context increases the risk of abuse”. There is also a need to “inform on how to report abuse and to whom”. Finally, we must have the courage to “listen, speak up and report” to counter the “culture of silence” surrounding abuse. Some practical advice: at the beginning of each activity, make clear that there is zero tolerance and whom can be contacted for help; carry out regular prevention training for employees and volunteers.

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