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Abuse: Br Sanchez (Marists), “learning from our mistakes to build the future”

The theme of abuse “makes us look back at our mistakes”. “Let us learn from them to look ahead and build the future”, said Brother Ernesto Sánchez, Superior General of the Marist Brothers, exhorting everyone to “look to the future”. “We are here to serve the abundant life that Jesus has given us as a challenge and as a gift”, he said, speaking at the second day of the Meeting of the Union of Superiors General (USG) that is being held in the Italian town of Ariccia. “We can all make our contribution, starting with our experience, starting with our pain and suffering at the situations we had to face”, Brother Sanchez added, stressing that “we can give a hand by working together, by sharing the best practices and by supporting one another in our answers and solutions”. According to the Superior of the Marists, it is necessary to “review and improve protection policies and protocols, as well as the structures to put them into practice”. For, he said, they “make it possible to support the victims and their families, assist anyone who has committed abuse, and take care of the religious and educational community”. There is also a need to “take care of the initial formation of candidates for the priesthood, starting with accompaniment and vocational discernment”. “The permanent formation, aimed at both the members of our Congregation and the educators participating in our mission – he concluded -, should include programmes and accompaniment in the area of the protection of minors”.

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