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Sweden: card. Arborelius (Stockholm) new president of the National Christian Council. An ecumenical document on sex abuse in the Church is being prepared

Now, it is the cardinal of Stockholm, Anders Arborelius, that chairs the Christian Council of Sweden (Skr), replacing Benjamin Atas, archbishop of the Syrian Orthodox Church. He will stay in office for one year, in compliance with the articles of association. The change of presidency happened at the annual conference that took place in Södertälje with 80 directors and delegates of the different Christian Churches of the country. As reported in a final notice, the conference specially focussed on the Orthodox and Eastern Churches (16 in Sweden, with 100 thousand members). The conference began with a workshop on the subject of the “mission”; then, the participants spoke of “the reorganisation of the Christian Council of Sweden” and the preparation of a document, “People’s value and dignity”. The conference “decided to publish a statement on sex abuse in the Church”, which will be issued next week. As to the issue of “converted people in the asylum-seeking process” that the Churches have been monitoring for quite a long time now, Skr reiterated its “concern for such situation” and stated that “it will keep monitoring” its developments. A meeting will soon be held with the Minister for Migration, Morgan Johansson.

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