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Pope Francis: to the International Catholic Jewish Liaison Committee, “developing convergences” on refugees, anti-Semitism and persecution of Christians

“Since the promulgation of Nostra Aetate to this day, Jewish-Catholic dialogue has borne good fruit”. This is the conclusion made by the Pope in the greetings he sent to the participants in the 24th International Catholic Jewish Liaison Committee (Ilc), at the end of this morning’s general audience. “We share a rich spiritual heritage, which can and must be increasingly valued, by growing in mutual rediscovery, in fraternity and in the common efforts in support of others”, went on Francis, pointing out that the meeting “wants to help develop convergences and promote more intensive cooperation”. “That you also deal with topical matters, such as the attitude towards refugees and the search for ways to help them, the fight against the worrying recrudescence of anti-Semitism, the reflection on the persecution of Christians in several parts of the world, the situation of Jewish-Catholic dialogue in Italy and in Israel, and its prospects on a broader scale, is a good thing”, this is the tribute made by the Pope, who thinks that “dialogue is the way to get to known each other better and help create not only a climate of tolerance but also a climate of respect between religions”. “Our strength is the mild one of mutual acceptance, not that of the extremism that is surfacing from several sides and that can only lead to fighting”, Francis warns: “In looking for dialogue, one can never go wrong”.


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