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EU Parliament: President Tajani, “politics must restore a central role to the human person. This should be done also on a European scale”

“The European Union is going through a crucial moment that should make people realize the fundamental value of this common home that protects 500 million citizens from globalization, that continues guaranteeing the rights of every person, that supports our economies. None of our Member Countries can compete on their own – at political, economic and business level alike –against global players such as China, India, United States, Russia.” Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament, reflected with SIR on the political situation in the Continent less than month before the elections for the renewal of the European Parliament. “We need a EU that moves forward in full respect of the subsidiarity principle, in the areas of common defence and environmental protection…. In spite of populist winds, I support a political Europe as a guarantee for our present and for our future.” The EU is repeatedly criticized for being distant from its citizens. What are your thoughts? ” I firmly believe that politics must return to put the person at the centre. This applies also at European level”, Tajani said. He added: “Citizens – that as a European Parliament  we represent – must be our primary concern. An efficient EU that delivers concrete results, that cares for the growth of its territorial realities, that protects: this is what we need. It’s also the right direction to bring Community institutions closer to European citizens.”

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