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Brexit: crucial week in Westminster and at the European Council. Headlines in the UK press

(London) With just a few days to go until the UK is due to leave the EU, “Labour hopes for more talks with No 10”. A possible meeting between UK Prime Minister Theresa May and Labour opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn makes the headlines on the BBC website, while Theresa May’s video address to voters, released yesterday on Twitter, makes several front pages in the UK press. The Prime Minister addressed the nation saying she hoped Jeremy Corbyn would support in parliament the deal that she had signed with the EU last November. “Labour deal ‘only way to save Brexit’” is the headline in the Independent newspaper. While the tabloid Daily Express mentions “the ultimate compromise” as a last chance to avoid the chaos of a “no deal” Brexit, that is, the UK’s disorderly departure from the EU next Friday. If the talks prove fruitful – several newspapers explain -, Theresa May might be able to persuade her European peers to grant the UK a Brexit extension until 30 June at the summit that will take place in Brussels on Wednesday, 10 April. “The Guardian” newspaper warns that an agreement with Corbyn is unlikely, as many Tories are opposed to it. All newspapers recall that the “Letwin-Cooper” bill may be approved today, which would force Theresa May to temporarily stop Brexit and declare how long an extension she would request from the EU.




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