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Libya: Tajani (EU Parliament), “Military action is not the solution to the Libyan crisis. EU must intervene, contributing to a peaceful and democratic solution”

“I am very concerned by developments in Libya. I appeal to all parties to stop and avoid violence”. The President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, said this today, commenting on the news of Haftar’s militias advancing on Tripoli: “clashes in the capital would lead the country to a chaotic civil war, breaking the fragile balance established within the framework of the UN-led peace process”, the president said in a statement. “Military action is not the solution to the Libyan crisis”. Indeed, it would only cause “further loss of life”, “enormous damage”, and would risk “generating a new migratory crisis, with increased flows heading mainly towards Italy and other Mediterranean countries”. Tajani urged the EU to “intervene immediately and speak with a single and authoritative voice, contributing to a peaceful and democratic solution, within the framework of the United Nations, as requested on several occasions by the European Parliament”. In the current situation, there is a risk that “the path towards free and democratic elections would be definitively interrupted”. “Elected institutions” are needed to guarantee “the security of the citizens and relaunch the economy, giving solid prospects to the country”, which, according to Tajani, is a “strategic partner of the European Union and plays a key role in the management of migration flows”.



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