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Sri Lanka attacks: Hungarian Bishops’ Conference launches fundraising for victims’ relatives

The Hungarian Bishops’ Conference (CEU) has announced it will raise funds to help the relatives of the victims of the Sri Lanka massacre. “The Hungarian Bishops’ Conference – a recent statement reads – was shocked at the news of the Easter Sunday terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka and offers its condolences to the families of the victims”. The permanent Council of Bishops has launched a fundraising campaign that will last until Pentecost Sunday (9 June) “to help our brothers and sisters – the statement continues – and to contribute to the work of restoration of the damaged churches”. “We urge our brother priests, the faithful and all people of good will to support our Christian brothers and sisters with generous donations and to remember the victims and their families in their prayers”, the statement concludes. For more information and the bank details to make a donation, please visit the CEU website.



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