European Elections: Mgr. Pontier (French bishops), Brexit case shows that “leaving the Union is a leap in the dark”

The “Brexit” case and all the difficulties that the UK is still facing three years after the Referendum are clear signs showing continental Europeans that “leaving the Union is a leap in the dark” and that “there is a lot to lose when we separate from others”. Mgr. Georges Pontier, president of the French bishops, said this today in his opening remarks at the plenary assembly in Lourdes. He also spoke of the European elections in late May which – he explained – will be highly influenced by the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, the rise of populism, and the migrant issue. “After decades of progress and confidence in Europe, we have entered a period marked by turbulence, self-sufficiency and several fears. Nationalist movements are on the rise, and the notion of a European common good is no longer evident. Much ignorance about Europe and so many fake news stories, sometimes even spread by politicians, call into question the very validity of the European project”. “Europe must regain momentum” and, in order to recover it, it might be useful to reflect on “the European common good” and the values that founded the European project. The French bishops expressed the hope that Europe would be able to find a new model of union between the Nations capable of “integration and subsidiarity”, respect for diversity and a sense of communion, while also encouraging “serious, frank and honest debate” on these issues.




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